Monday, May 18, 2009

The Least of These...

Matthew 25:40 says "Then He will answer them, saying, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My Brethren, you did to Me.' I am struck by the intensity of these words as I have just spent a weekend in Tecate, Mexico. It was a house builing trip with my church and I was excited to go there and build a house for a family. This trip was so much more amazing and so very orchestrated by the very hand of God that I am filled and overflowing with emotion. God has a powerful way of turning one act of love into an abundance of blessings. I thought we'd be building a house, but what was built was so much more. Right there in the middle of the most destitute land, where "poverty" is such and understated word, God was working miracles. I witness the bonding of men, women and youths united in Christ's love. I saw a home, little in size but huge in effect as it filled a woman's desperate need. My eyes gazed upon a man witnessing to a teen boy, telling him of God's love and how it was available to him. I watched as that man and boy prayed together. I cried as that boy accepted with great faith the love of Jesus Christ, and my heart rejoiced in knowing that a family will forever be changed and a boy will become a Godly man all because a house was built.
God's plan was drawn out even before that trip was a thought in the minds of all who participated. Every person that was meant to go, did, and even down to who was placed in which car for the drive down was masterfully schetched out from the Lord above. I went on this trip hoping to be part of a blessing for someone else, and I was, but I to was blessed imeasurably. God place in my life in that weekend, people who know first hand of some of the struggles I go through. New avenues opened in my own life. A possible much needed mentor for my daughter, who knows all to well the daily battles my little girl faces.
God began planting His ideas into the minds of those that went on this trip and new hopes are flowing. Plans to build a school, ways to draw that community together, all tangible ways to show a hopeless village that there is hope in Jesus. I am amazed at how one little house, no bigger than a garage, hase become so much bigger and so much more powerful. God's plan, God's work, done by God's people for His people. Let us all remember that what we do for ALL of God's people we do for HIM, and as Matthew 25:45 says...' Assuredly, I sat to you, inasmuch as you did NOT do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.'

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that out of the chaos that has been swirling around you, God whispered a direction and that you followed Him in faith to find such an outflow of who He is and what He is doing!! I will be praying for you as you continue on this path!!
